A low back MRI creates detailed images of your spine and the soft tissue surrounding it. These images come in slices which can be used to detect, diagnose and guide treatment for a number of issues. Here’s what you need to know about magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for the lower back.
Symptoms That Can Require a Low Back MRI
Difficulty walking
Trouble with balance
Severe lower back pain
Pinched nerve due to sciatica or spinal stenosis
Back pain due to injuries
Weakness or tingling in your legs that doesn’t respond to treatment
Birth defects related to the lower back or lumbar spine
Inability to urinate or defecate
Fecal or urine incontinence
History of cancer or other signs of cancer
Symptoms of infection such as back pain accompanied by a fever
The MRI Process
When you get a low back MRI, you lie on a bench that goes into the MRI machine. Then, the equipment moves around your body to capture images. The process is absolutely pain-free, but some patients aren’t comfortable with the close quarters or the noises. If you anticipate feeling uncomfortable, talk with your doctor about getting an anti-anxiety medication. Before the MRI, the technician will either inject the contrast dye or have you drink it.
Thanks to this MRI, our providers are able to better formulate a treatment plan that is best suited for a patient’s individual needs. When a patient comes to us with lower back pain without having had a recent MRI of the lower back, our providers write a referral for an MRI to take place. We refer to many different imaging centers, but our outstanding team of referral coordinators do their best to keep patients from having to travel great distances to obtain this important imaging.
Low Back MRI Coming to Summit Spine & Joint
We are very excited to announce that we are adding MRI to our practice. Beginning August 12, we will be able to provide imaging services to our patients. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to any of our team members at (770) 962-3642, or call or contact us online to schedule an appointment at a pain clinic near you. We appreciate our relationship with you and look forward to this exciting new venture.