Spinal cord stimulation (also called neurostimulation) uses electrical impulses to relieve chronic pain of the neck, back and legs. Electrical pulses prevent pain signals from being received by the brain. Instead of pain, patients may feel a pleasant sensation and experience pain relief. This reduction in pain can also lead to a decrease of or the elimination of taking pain medications. Further, patients may experience an improved ability to resume their previously normal daily activities.

Good candidates for neurostimulation include people who suffer from failed back surgery syndrome, cervical and lumbar radiculitis, neuropathy and complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS). Spinal cord stimulation can be effective when other conservative treatments and systemic pain medications provide inadequate pain relief or have intolerable side effects.


Relieve Your Pain; Restore Your Life

Summit Spine & Joint Centers offers a variety of treatments for failed back syndrome, neuropathy and more. Call us at (770) 962-3642 to discuss your condition and to schedule an appointment. We also welcome your online appointment request.

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