Treatment Options for Neuropathic Pain (1)
Currently there is no proven treatment to prevent or cure neuropathic pain (neuropathy or nerve pain). Instead, the primary goals of treatment are to reduce the pain as much as possible, balance the negative side effects of the treatment, and help patients manage any unresolved pain.
It is thought that early identification and treatment of intractable, chronic pain can help in effectively treating the pain. Once neuropathic pain is well established, however, it tends to become more difficult to successfully manage and more aggressive treatments may be required.
Back Pain and Neuropathy
Treatment of nerve pain related to the back or spine has traditionally been through a combination of medications and nerve blocks, and may include implantable systems. In addition, physical therapy, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) and/or psychological therapy and occupational therapy for coping with the pain may be effective.
Because of the complex nature of neuropathic pain, a multi-disciplinary, integrated approach to managing the pain is often useful. For example, a comprehensive pain management and rehabilitation program back pain patients with chronic, neuropathic pain might include working with:
- A spine specialist or pain management specialist, such as a spine surgeon, anesthesiologist, physiatrist, or neurologist, for medical management of the pain
- A physical therapist or occupational therapist to assist with physical rehabilitation, exercise and overall conditioning
- A psychologist who specializes in pain management to develop techniques for managing the pain and alleviate associated symptoms of depression, sleeplessness, etc.