Interventional pain management involves special procedures to treat and manage pain. “Interventional” procedures might include an injection of an anesthetic medicine or steroid around nerves, tendons, joints or muscles; spinal cord stimulation; insertion of a drug delivery system; or a procedure with radio-frequency ablation or cryoablation to stop a nerve from working for a long period of time.

These techniques may help patients:

Reduce the amount of time pain is experienced and its severity
Allow for an increase in activities at home and work
Overcome isolation
Learn new skills for coping with pain
Determine ways to end sleep problems
Improve the quality of life

Conditions Treated

Patients needing interventional pain management services suffer distress and discomfort caused by a variety of conditions and disorders, including:

Chronic low back and neck pain
Chronic reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD) or complex regional pain syndrome
Chronic head, mouth and face pain
Postsurgical procedures
Post-traumatic pain syndrome
Muscle and/or bone pain

Mildly Invasive Treatments

Georgia Pain and Wellness Center offers a variety of treatments, including:

Epidural injections (cervical, thoracic, lumbar and caudal)
Selective epidural and root blocks (cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral)
Facet injections and medical branch blocks (cervical, thoracic and lumbar)
Sympathetic blocks (stellate ganglion, thoracic, lumbar and hypogastric)
Peripheral nerve blocks
Radiofrequency denervation
Spinal cord stimulation
Neurolytics of celiac plexus and cancer pain
Intrathecal and epidural infusion systems

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